EventIn the framework of the LLM course on international humanitarian law (IHL) given by Professor Gloria Gaggioli, students will plead for Russia and Georgia arguing that the side they represent respected IHL while the adverse side has violated IHL.
CCPR Centre
EventThis meeting, hosted by TB-Net, the NGO Network on Treaty Bodies, aims to discuss the follow-up procedure of UN Treaty Bodies and the possible ways to harmonize and streamline it.
IHL TalksThis IHL Talk will reflect on the Court’s challenges and ways to address them, as well as how the UN Human Rights Council and other institutions in Geneva can contribute to the work of the Court.
HRBDT Project
EventThis conference, organized by the Human Rights, Big Data and Technology Project (HRBDT) and facilitated by the Geneva Academy, aims at discussing human rights in the digital age with Geneva-based institutions and experts.
Military BriefingsThis military briefing will discuss the balancing act involved in the negotiation of international humanitarian law instruments, particularly from a military perspective.
Le film de Roman Polanski, La jeune fille et la mort sera suivi d'un débat modéré par le Professeur Riccardo Bocco, en présence de Sévane Garibian et Valeria Wagner.
Geneva Academy
EventThe report details proposals for strengthening the treaty body system for 2020 and beyond and is the outcome of a three-year consultative process.
Steven Reynolds
EventThis event proposes to discuss the international law principles governing the threat or use of nuclear weapons, as well as the significance of the nuclear weapons ban treaty for nuclear disarmament.
IHL TalksThis IHL Talk will discuss the key principles which underpin the selection of cash as the means of assistance and how it aligns with core principles of international human rights and humanitarian law.
Improvised Explosive DevicesThis event aims at discussing the the United Nations Secretary General report on improvised explosive devices.