EventIn the framework of the LLM course on international humanitarian law (IHL) given by Professor Marco Sassòli, students will plead for Russia and Georgia arguing that the side they represent respected IHL while the adverse side has violated IHL.
Military BriefingsPanelists will share insights on ICRC's dialogue with arms carriers aimed at enhancing the integration of IHL into doctrine, training, education, sanctions, but also ethos.
Geneva Academy
EventTo launch our new publication on persons with disabilities and armed conflict, we host a joint-panel with the ICRC to explore the impact of armed conflict on persons with disabilities.
Giles Duley
EventThis photo exhibition by Giles Duley tells the stories of persons with disabilities during and following armed conflict
Giles Duley
EventCette exposition photo de Giles Duley raconte l’histoire de personnes handicapées durant et suite aux conflits armés.
EventIn the framework of the LLM course on international humanitarian law (IHL), students will plead for Israel and Palestine arguing that the side they represent has respected IHL while the adverse side has violated IHL.
IHL TalksThis IHL Talk will examine the prohibition of starvation under both international humanitarian law and international criminal law. It will also address starvation's humanitarian consequences.
This discussion follows the publication of the Universal Jurisdiction Annual Review 2019 by TRIAL International which focuses on the challenges of investigating and prosecuting mass crimes remotely.
EventLa trilogie ‘Des Procès peu Ordinaires’ continue avec la projection du film Le Tribunal sur le Congo de Milo Rau.
EventThe ‘Uncommon Trials’ trilogy starts with the screening of the Trial of Ratko Mladić by Henry Singer et Rob Miller at the 17th International Film festival and Forum for Human Rights.