Optimizing the UN Treaty Body System

Optimizing the UN Treaty Bodies System outlines a series of recommendations related to the functioning of United Nations (UN) treaty bodies (TBs), considered a cornerstone of universal human rights protection.

To prepare for the upcoming review of UN TBs by the UN General Assembly, set for 2020, the publication provides detailed and innovative solutions for optimizing the UN TBs system.

This work is the outcome of a three-year consultative process coordinated by the Geneva Academy – The Academic Platform on Treaty Body Review 2020 – to collect academic inputs and ideas for the 2020 review via the creation of an academic network of independent researchers, a call for papers, a series of regional consultations, annual and expert conferences, as well as ongoing interactions with key stakeholders: states, treaty bodies, national human rights institutions, civil society organizations and the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and other parts of the UN.

Key academic partners contributed to this process, including Columbia University, University Paris 2 Pantheon-Assas the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights, the Inter-American Social Responsibility and Human Rights Institute, the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, University College Dublin, University of Nairobi, Strathmore Law School, South Asian University and the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative.

Optimizing the UN Treaty Bodies System

Felix Kirchmeier and Kamelia Kemileva present our new publication Optimizing the UN Treaty Bodies System which outlines a series of recommendations related to the functioning o United Nations treaty bodies, considered a cornerstone of universal #humanrights protection.


Picture of Domenico Zipoli

Domenico Zipoli

Project Coordinator and Research Fellow

His research focuses on the question of connectivity among international human rights mechanisms and on national strategies for monitoring, implementation and follow-up of international human rights obligations and recommendations.

Picture of Felix Kirchmeier

Felix Kirchmeier

Executive Director of the Geneva Human Rights Platform

Felix Kirchmeier is the Executive Director of the Geneva Human Rights Platform.

Picture of Kamelia Kemileva

Kamelia Kemileva

Co-Director, Global Cities Hub

Kamelia Kemileva is the Co-Director of the Global Cities Hub and a leading human rights expert.

Portrait of Claire Callejon

Claire Callejon

Research Consultant

Her areas of expertise include international human rights law, the United Nations Human Rights machinery and refugee law.


Cover page of the publication News

Optimizing the UN Treaty Body System

7 May 2018

Our new publication Optimizing the UN Treaty Body System outlines a series of recommendations related to the functioning of United Nations treaty bodies, considered a cornerstone of universal human rights protection.

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