Exploring IHL and Human Rights: Our LLM Students' Journey to Armenia

13 October 2023

In July, students enrolled in our LLM in International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and Human Rights embarked on a week-long study trip to Armenia. This study trip, organized by our dedicated students offered a unique opportunity to witness the practical application of legal principles discussed in class and engage with professionals working in the fields of IHL and human rights.

Learning More about the Situation in Nagorno-Karabakh

During their visit, the LLM students held meaningful discussions with prominent figures in Armenia, such as the General Prosecutor and the Human Rights Defender. They also met with local non-governmental organizations and foundations, the Swiss Ambassador to Armenia, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and the International Committee of the Red Cross. These encounters provided invaluable insights into the region's challenges, the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh, and the related cases before the International Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights.

‘In light of today’s situation, this study trip must have a particular resonance with our students who are now much better placed to understand the situation and the protection frameworks that apply in this context’ explains our Head of Education Dr Clotilde Pégorier.

‘This is a very strong reminder that the legal concepts we examine in classes are not abstract and have very concrete implications’ she adds.

Immersing in the Rich Culture of Armenia

The study trip also served as a remarkable opportunity for our students to immerse themselves in Armenian culture and explore historical landmarks, including visits to the Tsitsernakaberd Memorial and the Armenian Genocide Museum.


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