International Humanitarian Law / International Human Rights Law / International Criminal Law / Public International Law / Transitional Justice / International Criminal Justice / International Immunity Law
Paola Gaeta is the Director of the Geneva Academy and a Professor of International Law at the Geneva Graduate Institute. She is also a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of International Criminal Justice and of the International Spectator (formerly The Italian Journal of International Affairs).
Professor Gaeta is a leading expert on international criminal law and international criminal courts and tribunals and has published widely on these issues. Her research interests focus on international criminal law, particularly with regard to topics more closely related to general issues of public international law and/or exposed to cross-fertilization by international human rights law and international humanitarian law.
Previously, Professor Gaeta was Director of the Geneva Academy (2007–2014), with Professor Andrew Clapham, where she directed the LLM in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, Adjunct Professor at the University L. Bocconi (Milan) (2015-2018), Adjunct Professor at the Geneva Graduate Institute (2010–2015) and Professor of International Criminal Law at the University of Geneva (2007–2015). From 1998 to 2007, she was consecutively Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor of International Law at the University of Florence.
Paola Gaeta, Jorge E. Viñuales, Salvatore Zappalá
Oxford University Press
Paola Gaeta, Marco Sassòli, Andrew Clapham
Oxford University Press
Paola Gaeta, Andrew Clapham
Oxford University Press
Paola Gaeta, Antonio Cassese
Oxford University Press
As a Human Rights Officer with the UN Mission in South Sudan, Andrew Botz supports investigations into alleged violations of international humanitarian law and human rights in the context of the armed conflict in the country. In this interview, he tells about the programme, fond memories and what it brought to his career.
As an Associate at the International Committee of the Red Cross in the Persons Deprived of Liberty Unit, Hiran Geeganage supports the development of a methodology for monitoring and reporting on the institution’s detention activities. In this interview, he tells about the programme, fond memories and what it brought to his career.
María Gonzalez García, a Project Manager and Technical Advisor at the UN World Food Programme, enrolled in our online Executive Master, tells about the programme and what it brings to her career.