This parallel event at the UN Commission on the Status of Women NGO Forum will explore the gendered impacts of the increasing commercialization of agriculture and land.
It stays with you
EventThe documentary film ‘It Stays With You’ raises serious questions about the responsibilities of the UN as a result of use of force by UN peacekeepers when carrying out mandated operations.
Microsoft NYC
EventThis side-event at the UN Human Rights Council will discuss the applicability of existing human rights instruments to activities in cyber-space.
Fionnuala Ní Aoláin will present her new book ‘The Oxford Handbook of Gender and Conflict’, which focuses on the multidimensionality of gender in conflict.
EventMichael Sfard, the most prominent Israeli human rights lawyer and author of the book ‘The Wall and the Gate: Israel, Palestine and the Legal Battle for Human Rights’, will address the current situation of human rights defenders in Israel.
EventThis international conference, co-organized with the Centre for Civil and Political Rights, will provide a venue to discuss how the issue of corruption could be addressed by United Nations Treaty bodies.
The Geneva Consultation aims to provide an opportunity for discussion on the ‘Human Rights Guiding Principles on State Obligations with regards to Private Involvement in Education’.
IHL TalksThis IHL Talk will address the political, sociological and legal dimensions of the issue of armed gang violence in Latin America, notably in Mexico, El Salvador and Colombia.
Un événement organisé par le Département d'histoire générale de la Faculté des Lettres de l'Université de Genève, avec le soutien du Comité International de la Croix-Rouge et de l’Académie de droit international humanitaire et de droits humains.<
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Military BriefingsIn order for humanitarian lawyers to be better able to understand the circumstances under which the law of armed conflict applies, they should be aware of the basic tactics involved in modern combat.