Event information

21 February 2024, 18:30-20:00
Register start 19 December 2023
Register end 21 February 2024


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Book Launch: ‘Equality and Non-Discrimination in Armed Conflict, Humanitarian and Human Rights Law in Practice’


Cover page of the book Cover page of the book

This event marks the launch of our LLM alumnus and former teaching assistant George Dvaladze’s book ‘Equality and Non-Discrimination in Armed Conflict, Humanitarian and Human Rights Law in Practice’ published by Edward Elgar Publishing.

Discrimination is often the root cause of, or it is intrinsically linked to, armed conflict. The realities of such situations can also exacerbate inequalities that predate the outbreak of the conflict. Although expressly prohibited under international law, discrimination is among the humanitarian issues that adversely impact persons, communities, and society at large, in all types of armed conflicts. The book unpacks the complexity of the international legal regulation of guarantees of equality and non-discrimination applicable in armed conflict.

Addressing a significant shortage in legal literature, the book analyses an array of sources of international humanitarian law (IHL) and human rights law to define a method to distinguish between prohibited discrimination and other differentiations in armed conflict that are permitted or even required by law.

The author and leading experts in IHL and human rights will discuss humanitarian and legal issues pertaining to equality and non-discrimination in armed conflict, based on the findings presented in the book.


  • Gloria Gaggioli, Director, Geneva Academy and Associate Professor, University of Geneva Law Faculty


  • George Dvaladze, Regional Legal Adviser for South Asia, International Committee of the Red Cross
  • Marco Sassòli, Professor, University of Geneva Law Faculty
  • Mona Rishmawi, Former Chief of the Rule of Law, Equality and. Non-Discrimination Branch in the Office of the High. Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)


The event will be followed by an aperitif.



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