Event information

20-24 November 2023

The 2023 Human Rights Week


Human Rights Week Flyer Human Rights Week Flyer

The 2023 edition of Human Rights Week proposes a rich programme of conferences, debates, exhibitions, a film screening, and cultural events around the question of the notion of 'Universality', reminding us that it is a constituent pillar of our democratic space, both in the promotion of humanist values and in their protection.

Conference by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

On 21 November, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Mr Volker Türk will give a conference on human rights in a humanity in crisisconference on human rights in a humanity in crisis. Some of our students will take part in this conference and exchange with the UN High Commissioner.

About the Human Rights Week

The Human Rights Week is organized by the University of Geneva, in partnership with the Geneva Academy, the Geneva Graduate Institute, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, the Republic and State of Geneva, the Geneva International Film Festival and Forum on Human RightsLes Créatives, the Martin Ennals Award, Foraus, Amnesty International UNIGE, AESPRI, FIDH, LICRA and the Permanent Mission of France to the UN in Geneva.


neurotechnology graphics News

New Research Brief Discusses Current Legal and Ethical Concerns Around Neurotechnology

28 May 2024

Our latest Research Brief Between Science-Fact and Science-Fiction: Innovation and Ethics in Neurotechnology highlights the need for a robust regulatory framework around neurotechnology that can simultaneously foster innovation and protect human rights.

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GHRP Bologna Meeting News

Expert Roundtable Discusses Role of Local and Regional Governments in data collection for National Mechanisms

29 April 2024

The Geneva Human Rights Platform co-hosted an expert roundtable on 'Data Planning and Collection by National Mechanisms for Implementation, Reporting, and Follow-up', in Bologna, Italy.

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Garment workersto receive food from their factory during lunch time. This food is freely provided by their factory in order to ensure that workers eat healthy and hygienic food. Training

Business and Human Rights

2-6 September 2024

This training course will examine how the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights have been utilized to advance the concept of business respect for human rights throughout the UN system, the impact of the Guiding Principles on other international organizations, as well as the impact of standards and guidance developed by these different bodies.

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A general view of participants during of the 33nd ordinary session of the Human Rights Council. Training

The Universal Periodic Review and the UN Human Rights System: Raising the Bar on Accountability

11-15 November 2024

This training course will explore the origin and evolution of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) and its functioning in Geneva and will focus on the nature of implementation of the UPR recommendations at the national level.

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Neutrotechology Project

Neurotechnology and Human Rights

Started in August 2023

This project addresses the human rights implications stemming from the development of neurotechnology for commercial, non-therapeutic ends, and is based on a partnership between the Geneva Academy, the Geneva University Neurocentre and the UN Human Rights Council Advisory Committee. 

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George Floyd protest in Washington D.C. Project

Promoting and Protecting the Rights to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and Association and Civic Space Worldwide

Started in June 2020

This project aims at providing support to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and of Association Clément Voulé by addressing emerging issues affecting civic space and eveloping tools and materials allowing various stakeholders to promote and defend civic space.

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Cover of the 2023 Geneva Academy Annual Report Publication

Annual Report 2023

published on July 2024

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