Event information

8 June 2023, 13:15-14:15

Localizing SDGs and human rights through the UN Universal Periodic Review


Every day, local and regional governments (LRGs) localize the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and fulfil human rights on the ground. In doing so, LRGs should gain more visibility at the international level and showcase their important work. Cities are more numerous to submit Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs) to demonstrate how they implement the SDGs.

In a complementary way to VLRs, LRGs could also gain increased international visibility for their work on SDGs through the UN Universal Periodic Review (UPR). While the UPR is focused on human rights, it also addresses SDGs. Indeed, human rights and SDGs are closely interlinked. As such, LRGs’ participation in the UPR could help showcase their achievements on SDGs and human rights.

This side event at the UN Habitat Assembly in Nairobi – co-organized by our Geneva Human Rights Platform, the Geneva Cities Hub, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, UN Habitat, UPR Info and the UN Office of the High
Commissioner for Human Rights
– will: 

  • Introduce the UPR as a mechanism that addresses issues of concern to LRGs and that helps LRGs localize the SDGs
  • Share a Mannheim and Nakuru’s experience on their Voluntary Local Reviews and describe how this could be used in the UPR process
  • Explain how LRGs can take part in the UPR and contribute to the implementation of the UPR recommendations, in cooperation with States and UN entities
  • Address the benefits that exist for States, if they include LRGs in the UPR
  • Showcase the work of UN Habitat on linking the localization of SDGs with human rights.


  • Anh Thu Duong, Co-Director, Geneva Cities Hub


  • Peter Kurz, Mayor, City of Mannheim, Germany
  • Gitau Thabanja, City Manager, Nakuru City, Kenya
  • Robert Lewis-Lettington, Chief of Section, Land, Housing and Shelter, UN Habitat


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