12 May 2016
The right to life is often described as a ‘supreme’ or ‘foundational’ right. This panel of experts and diplomats will explore current challenges and new developments concerning this right, in normative instruments, jurisprudence, law and practice at national, regional and international levels. Panelists will address the recent adoption by the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights of a General Comment on the Right to Life, as well as the development of a General Comment on the same topic by the UN Human Rights Committee.
Prof. Christof Heyns, UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions
Prof. Sir Nigel Rodley, Member of the UN Human Rights Committee
Dr. Solomon Dersso, Commissioner, African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights
Dr. Elizabeth Abi-Mershed, Legal Director, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
H.E. Martin Ihoeghian Uhomoibhi, Joint Special Representative for Darfur and Head of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID)